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Our Services

ITC Victoria Ltd. can help you at all stages of your SR&ED claim. We can advise you in advance how to perform your R&D from the outset so that your SR&ED tax credits are maximized, and we can guide your claim through the initial application process to any post-filing appeals.

SR&ED Claim Preparation

SR&ED claims must show that your R&D meets the CRA eligibility criteria. In preparing your claim, ITC Victoria writes a technological description for CRA that demonstrates how your work satisfies the three principal criteria of eligibility - technological advancement, technological uncertainty, and technological content. We identify which elements of your work are eligible, report on them in a format and language acceptable to CRA, and clarify the connection between your expenses and eligible activities.

Pre-Filing Screening

ITC Victoria can help you avoid the hazards of preparing your own claims and technical descriptions with our Pre-Filing Screening. By using this service, you ensure the best possible review of your CRA claim. We apply our detailed knowledge of the CRA review process to see that your claim does not inadvertently raise high-risk issues that create misinterpretations and costly delays. CRA's Pre-Claim Project Review may limit the tax credits awarded to your claim; our Pre-Filing Screening examines every option to ensure that you receive every tax credit you deserve for your R&D.

Liaison with CRA

On occasion, disputes may take place between CRA and claimants regarding eligibility of R&D work. If such a dispute occurs with your claim, ITC Victoria will advise you how to best proceed through the CRA review process. We bring three strengths to defending your claim:

  • Detailed knowledge of the CRA regulations and policies.
  • Clear definitions of your technological advancements.
  • Professional relationships with CRA reviewers.

After the review process, if you are still unable to come to an agreement with CRA, ITC Victoria can support your claim using other channels. We have mediators and negotiators who work to resolve obstacles, correct misunderstandings, and mitigate personality conflicts to achieve a mutual consensus. This process is far more efficient and less costly than litigation and appeals, and it has the support of CRA.